Removable Dental Lab With Experience You Can Trust
The industry-leading technicians at our removable dental lab in Greenville, SC craft and engineer the highest quality, removable partials, complete dentures and appliances. With a collaborative, relationship-driven approach, we help you provide your patients with restorations that strike the right balance of aesthetics, fit, comfort and performance.
Mountain Dental Lab offers a variety of removable partials and denture appliances, including:
- Metal Framework Partials
- DuraFlex Partials (metal-free)
- Acrylic Partials
- Complete Dentures
- Immediate Dentures
- Night Guards
- Surgical Guides
- Repairs & Relines
- And More!

Our lab has the capabilities and technology to create a range of hybrid denture appliances, such as:
- Hybrid Bars (Removable & Implant)
- Implant-Supported Dentures
- Implant-Retained Dentures
- Implant-Supported Overdentures
- Implant-Retained Overdentures

We have experience in case planning, creating, collaborating, and completing hybrid appliances. Call us to discuss your case today!
Mountain Dental Lab is a Certified Dentsply Sirona Raintree Essix Lab. Essix is a transparent plastic appliance that covers the entire arch.
Uses for Essix include:
- “Essix Appliance” (clear, full-arch tray containing a pontic to fill a clinical void)
- TMJ Splints
- Night Guards
- Bleach Trays
- Sports Guards / Mouth Guards
- Bruxism Appliances
- Implant Therapy
- Treatment of Congenitally Missing Teeth
- Emergency Tooth Replacement

Essix plastics are not made with natural rubber latex or BPA. Questions? Contact us and our team will be happy to help.